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Oerlikon Key Markets

The commercial aerospace market grew 4.5 % in 2018, compared to the 2.1 % in 2017 according to the Accenture Commercial Aerospace Insight Report.

Boeing projects that in the next 20 years, 43 000 commercial airplanes will be needed to meet global demand. With real GDP growth for emerging markets reaching 4.7 % in 2018, the industry is poised for growth as populations gain more opportunity for travel. In IATA’s report, passenger growth by revenue passenger kilometer increased 6.5 % in 2018, confirming the continuing upward trend in commercial travels. In addition to commercial aerospace, increasing non-commercial aerospace budgets globally will also enable growth in this sector.

Making aerospace safer, more powerful and more efficient


of FY 2018 Surface Solutions revenue


Industry-expected CAGR 2019 – 2023 (These are projected industry growth rates from sources including company reports, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, McKinsey and others.)


Oerlikon covers all coating needs of the industry – 
from powder development and application engineering to equipment, services and process know-how.


Clients need to increase turbine efficiency while at the same time reducing their service intensity.


Oerlikon delivers materials and equipment for thermal spray and provides thin-film coating services.


Coatings increase the overall efficiency in engines and improve safety by up to 5 %.
