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Componentes Los recubrimientos BALINIT CNI aumentan la dureza superficial y protegen a los componentes contra el gripaje y la abrasión

Los componentes de las máquinas de procesado alimentario deben funcionar dentro de un entorno corrosivo y abrasivo. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se utilizan ampliamente para evitar la corrosión, pero tienen la desventaja de ser blandos (300 HV) y altamente susceptibles al desgaste causado por el movimiento de deslizamiento. Este problema se agrava por el hecho de que la operación con lubricación, con frecuencia no resulta posible.

The advantages of BALINIT-coated components:
  • Higher surface hardness, meaning less particle abrasion
  • Less danger of galling due to ceramic-like surface
  • Damage-free cleaning due to higher surface hardness
  • FDA approved coating solution
  • Long-lasting sharpness of punches and knives
  • Attractive colours
  • Excellent release and non-stick properties
BALINIT® CNI makes your food processing more reliable

BALINIT® CNI, a sputtered chromium nitride coating, increases surface hardness and protects components against seizure and abrasion. BALINIT® CNI is used to protect poultry and pork circular blade knives, grinding and emulsifying plates, stuffing and dicing plates, as well as for separating drums, homogenizer plungers, jam filling, cereal and dough extruders, and many other parts.

BALINIT® CNI provides effective protection against wear and corrosion. BALINIT® coatings moreover suppress deposit formation and/or make such deposits easier to remove.

The BALINIT® CNI coating has been approved by the FDA and the USDA for the production of packaging for the food industry.

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