Oerlikon Balzers: Digital services and smart coating solutions
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Oerlikon Balzers dans les médias
Oerlikon Balzers: Digital services and smart coating solutions
PVD-Beschichtungen für medizinische Instrumente
Oerlikon Balzers launches new coating
PVD-Beschichtung statt Hartverchromung - Umweltfreundliche Alternative
The power of carbon for lead-free machining
Mit Carbon-Power bleifrei zerspanen
Coating for future reference
Next-generation coatings. Article was first published in Engine Technology International.
Digitale Services und smarte Beschichtungslösungen - Oerlikon Balzers auf der EMO 2019
Bestseller reloaded - The new INNOVENTA kila PVD coating system from Oerlikon Balzers is replacing the successful INNOVA
Aerospace manufacturers turn to non-hazardous PVD coatings as regulations tighten on toxic hard chrome plating
The truth hits home about chrome
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