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Piston Pins

Customer Challenge:
Wear, Lifetime & Performance

Oerlikon Solution:
Enhancing hardness and wear resistance through our technology ensures increased load acceptance and higher cylinder pressures for your piston pins.

Solution Matériau de revêtement Technologie de revêtement Dureté du revêtement HIT [GPa]. Coefficient de friction (sec) acier Temp. de service max. [°C] Température du procédé [°C]
CrN / a-C:H PACVD ~15-25 0.1 - 0.2 300 < 250
ta-C Arc > 40 0.1 - 0.2 450 -
MoN Sputter / Arc 15 – 35 depending on application - 800 -
a-C:H:W / a-C:H PVD / PACVD ~15-25 0.1 - 0.2 300 < 250

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