Magical materials Magical materials Of course, this is not everything. The Of course, this is not everything. The Of course, this is not everything. The Of course, this is not everything. The fi eld of materials science is vast and fi eld of materials science is vast and fi eld of materials science is vast and fi eld of materials science is vast and covers many disciplines and areas of covers many disciplines and areas of covers many disciplines and areas of covers many disciplines and areas of focus. Among Mercandetti’s favorites, focus. Among Mercandetti’s favorites, focus. Among Mercandetti’s favorites, focus. Among Mercandetti’s favorites, one stands out as “magic” for her: one stands out as “magic” for her: one stands out as “magic” for her: one stands out as “magic” for her: Shape Memory Alloys that remember Shape Memory Alloys that remember Shape Memory Alloys that remember Shape Memory Alloys that remember and can restore their original shape and can restore their original shape and can restore their original shape and can restore their original shape after being subjected to heavy deforma- after being subjected to heavy deforma- after being subjected to heavy deforma- after being subjected to heavy deforma- tion. Stents, braces, glasses frames as tion. Stents, braces, glasses frames as tion. Stents, braces, glasses frames as tion. Stents, braces, glasses frames as well as wings and winglets of aircrafts well as wings and winglets of aircrafts well as wings and winglets of aircrafts well as wings and winglets of aircrafts are examples of how this works. are examples of how this works. are examples of how this works. are examples of how this works. Another innovation she fi nds exciting is Another innovation she fi nds exciting is Another innovation she fi nds exciting is Another innovation she fi nds exciting is the capacity of Self Healing Coatings the capacity of Self Healing Coatings the capacity of Self Healing Coatings the capacity of Self Healing Coatings to repair surface damage on their own, to repair surface damage on their own, to repair surface damage on their own, to repair surface damage on their own, an ability developed for, among other an ability developed for, among other an ability developed for, among other an ability developed for, among other things, paintwork damage to cars. things, paintwork damage to cars. things, paintwork damage to cars. things, paintwork damage to cars. Mercandetti also immerses herself Mercandetti also immerses herself Mercandetti also immerses herself Mercandetti also immerses herself in the fi eld of microfl uidics, dealing in the fi eld of microfl uidics, dealing in the fi eld of microfl uidics, dealing in the fi eld of microfl uidics, dealing with the behavior of fl uids and gases with the behavior of fl uids and gases with the behavior of fl uids and gases with the behavior of fl uids and gases within the smallest space. “This is, for within the smallest space. “This is, for within the smallest space. “This is, for within the smallest space. “This is, for instance, important in laboratory med- instance, important in laboratory med- instance, important in laboratory med- instance, important in laboratory med- icine where one often has extremely icine where one often has extremely icine where one often has extremely icine where one often has extremely little blood or urine available for tests,” little blood or urine available for tests,” little blood or urine available for tests,” little blood or urine available for tests,” she says. Work in this fi eld becomes she says. Work in this fi eld becomes she says. Work in this fi eld becomes she says. Work in this fi eld becomes the theme of her master’s thesis. the theme of her master’s thesis. the theme of her master’s thesis. the theme of her master’s thesis. “I believe that materials science will “I believe that materials science will “I believe that materials science will “I believe that materials science will signifi cantly increase in importance in signifi cantly increase in importance in signifi cantly increase in importance in signifi cantly increase in importance in the near future,” Mercandetti says, “in view of the also increasing environmen- tal awareness and the need for sustain- ability.” Where her professional career will take her next after completing her master’s degree remains to be seen. Before she makes a decision about where and in which sector to work, she intends to complete another internship abroad. But there is one thing that Cristina Mercandetti has long known: “I want to work at something which helps solve problems, at something which is good for mankind. For that, materials are the lynchpin.” Watch the complete video of the interview at: passion-for-materials 27 The ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich) was established in 1855 and is ranked among the top ten universities in the world. So far, 21 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to researchers who have or had a connection with ETH Zurich. Oerlikon has research partnerships with the ETH Zurich and with around 50 other academic institutions such as the Technical University of Munich, Skoltech and RWTH Aachen University. The Department of Materials at ETH Zurich is one of the best in its fi eld worldwide and enjoys an excellent reputation among its national and international partners. BEYOND SURFACES 01|2018