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BALINIT C (WC/C) coating of roller bearing elements

BALINIT C (WC/C) coating of roller bearing elements

Due to the excellent running-in behaviour of the BALINIT C coating, the coated roller also smoothens the race way of the inner and outer rings. Coating the rollers is therefore an efficient way to improve the bearing performance against scuffing and pitting.

Řešení Povlakový materiál Technologie povlakování Tvrdost povlaku HIT [GPa] Součinitel tření (za sucha) vs. ocel Max. provozní teplota [°C] Teplota procesu [°C]
a-C:H:Me (WC/C) Sputter 10 - 15 0,1 - 0,2 300 < 250

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