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Electrical clippers & shavers

BALINIT A (TiN)-coated cutting blades, as well as pleasantly colored, have a stable, wear-resistant cutting edge.

Electrical clippers & shavers

Advantage: long-lasting shaver performance

BALINIT DLC coating of oscillating shaver blades increases cutting edge wear-resistance and decreases wear to the uncoated foil. Friction within the device is also reduced.

Advantages: low-wear level allows use of a thin shaving foil which delivers a superior shaving result. Low friction  significantly enhances battery life.

Řešení Povlakový materiál Technologie povlakování Tvrdost povlaku HIT [GPa] Součinitel tření (za sucha) vs. ocel Max. provozní teplota [°C] Teplota procesu [°C]
TiN Arc 30 +/- 3 ~0,6 600 < 500
a-C:H PACVD ~15-25 0,1 - 0,2 300 < 250

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