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Differential Shafts

Customer Challenge:

  • Increasing loads and torques, particularly at low velocities in electric vehicles
  • Utilization of low viscosity oil, even lower than engine oils
  • Rapid load and torque increase during driving, leading to a high probability of adhesive wear and surface fatigue.

Oerlikon Solution:

  • Introducing BALINIT® DLC STAR or BALITHERM® IONIT OX with outstanding wear resistance
  • Enabling the shift of limits for the differential pinion shaft
  • Reducing surface fatigue at high torques/loads
Javasolt megoldás Bevonat anyaga Bevonatolási technológia Bevonat keménység HIT [GPa] Súrlódási együttható acéllal (szárazon) Max. üzemi hőm. [°C] Eljárás hőmérséklete
CrN / a-C:H PACVD ~15-25 0,1–0,2 300 < 250
a-C:H:W / a-C:H PVD / PACVD ~15-25 0.1 - 0.2 300 < 250
TaC Arc >40 0,1–0,2 450 -

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