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OC Oerlikon Management AG, Pfäffikon (joint stock company)

Churerstrasse 120
8808 Pfäffikon
E-mail: info(at)

Pfäffikon SZ, Community of Freienbach
Commercial Register of the Canton of Schwyz 
Company Number: CHE-101.509.643
MWST Nr.: CHE-116.316.811

Executive Chairman: Prof. Dr. Michael Süss

Responsible for content: Webmaster Oerlikon

Corporate Information

Board of Directors

  • Sigrid Stocker
  • Claudia Puphal
  • Andreas Weiss


The copying or sharing of information, data, texts, images and graphics for business purposes, or for use on other websites requires the previous agreement of OC Oerlikon Management AG, Pfäffikon. All persons and situations were re-enacted by actors.

On our website, registered brands, trade names, registered designs and logos have been used. Even in particular cases, when they appear without their trademark, all legal rules and provisions apply.

Questions, Suggestions or Comments

Please address any questions, suggestions or comments to: info(at)
