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In most diesel and gasoline injection systems is a BALINIT® DLC (diamond-like carbon) coated part. In order to meet the standards for environmentally-friendly cars, the injection pressure increases constantly. This is only possible with coated mechanical parts.

Fuel Injection
Skiktalternativ Beläggningsmaterial Beläggningsteknik Beläggningshårdhet HIT [GPa] Friktionskoefficient (torr) vs. stål Max. driftstemp. [°C] Processtemperatur [°C]
CrN / a-C:H PACVD ~15-25 0.1 - 0.2 300 < 250
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ta-C Arc > 40 0,1 – 0,2 450 -
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MoN Sputter / Arc 15 – 35 beroende på applikation - 800 -
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