Oerlikon Balzers Coating Singapore Pte. Ltd.
21 Kian Teck Drive
Singapore 628838
Phone: +65 6268 6227
Fax: +65 6265 6992
E-Mail: info.balzers.sg@oerlikon.com
Registered in Singapore
Reg. No.: 19-9902117-M
Head of Oerlikon Balzers Coating Singapore: Shirse Pravin
The copying or sharing of information, data, texts, images and graphics for business purposes, or for use on other websites requires the previous agreement of OC Oerlikon Management AG. All persons and situations were re-enacted by actors.
On our website, registered brands, trade names, registered designs and logos have been used. Even in particular cases, when they appear without their trademark, all legal rules and provisions apply.
Questions, Suggestions or Comments
Please address any questions, suggestions or comments to: info@oerlikon.com.