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The corporate compliance function ensures adherence to legal, regulatory and internal requirements, as well as to the Group’s ethical standards. The function emphasizes preventative measures, training, education and consulting.

Our obligation begins with the diligent selection of business partners who share our values and business principles, e.g., as through the commitment of these partners to our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct as well by ensuring that compliance due diligence is performed and duly approved for each of our business partners. Throughout the business relationship we continuously and properly monitor our business partners to prevent misconduct.

So we especially ensure that individuals or organizations acting on our behalf behave and conduct themselves as we would conduct ourselves.

Furthermore, Oerlikon is committed to openness and transparency. Reliable reporting channels and the protection of the whistleblowers from retaliation are essential to reinforce a culture of trust and allow possible misconduct to be reported, investigated and resolved. Accordingly, we operate an effective, confidential and secure whistleblowing systems which provides all internal and external stakeholders a multi-lingual and safe option for reporting compliance violations. This reporting tool SpeakUp is a platform that both ensures a full and timely investigation and can provide complete anonymity as to the identity of the whistleblower. Oerlikon is committed to handle whistleblowing in a timely, reliable and discrete manner, while guaranteeing anonymity. 

The compliance program is based on three pillars

  • Prevention through policies, directives, training, Code of Conduct, risk assessments, maturity assessments, compliance groups, internal control, metric systems and Q&As at all employee meetings.
  • Early detection: whistle-blowing hotline, continuous compliance reviews, controls and internal audits, allegation management process.
  • Response: disciplinary action on compliance breaches, process adaptation, resolution plans, remediation of internal control system, revision of policies.


OC Oerlikon Management AG


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