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Oerlikon shareholders approved all resolutions – Innovation Day showcases technology drivers behind Oerlikon’s success

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018

  • Dividend increase approved
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Süss reelected as Chairman of the Board
  • All Board members and nominated members of Human Resources Committee reelected
  • Innovation Day following AGM highlighting Oerlikon’s technologies and know-how

Pfäffikon SZ / Lucerne, Switzerland – April 10, 2018 – A total of 297 shareholders attended Oerlikon’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) at the KKL Luzern in Lucerne, Switzerland, representing 69.21 % of the total share capital. All resolutions were approved, including the increased dividend payout of CHF 0.35 per share for 2017, the maximum aggregate prospective total compensation of the Board, the maximum aggregate prospective fixed and the retrospective variable compensation of the Executive Committee.

Prof. Dr. Michael Süss was reelected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, while Dr. Jean Botti, David Metzger, Geoffery Merszei, Alexey V. Moskov and Gerhard Pegam were reelected as members of the Board. Additionally, shareholders approved the reelection of Prof. Dr. Michael Süss, Alexey V. Moskov and Gerhard Pegam as members of the Human Resources Committee.

“I would like to sincerely thank all our shareholders for their continued support of Oerlikon,” said Prof. Dr. Michael Süss. “We delivered an excellent year in 2017 and will continue to strengthen Oerlikon and make it a company that can effectively seize opportunities in attractive markets and create more value for shareholders over the medium to long term.”

All elected Board members will serve a one-year term. All voting results from Oerlikon’s 2018 AGM can be found at Further information and the short biographies of all Board Members can be found at

Following the AGM, Oerlikon is also hosting an Innovation Day for the Group at the KKL Luzern. At the event, Oerlikon welcomes investors, analysts, customers, academia and students to learn more about what drives innovation at Oerlikon and to gain insights into Oerlikon’s latest technologies and key competencies.

“In today’s world, where market developments are highly interlinked and technology changes at a fast pace, close collaboration with customers, key market players and other stakeholders is vital to ensuring that a company remains a leader in its markets,” said Prof. Dr. Michael Süss. “Taking advantage of the venue following our AGM, the Innovation Day serves as an excellent platform for the diverse groups to come together to have an open dialogue on market trends, opportunities and challenges. We look forward to presenting Oerlikon’s pioneering innovations at an event that promotes meaningful conversations and the sharing of ideas and inspiration.”

About Oerlikon

Oerlikon (SIX: OERL) engineers materials, equipment and surfaces and provides expert services to enable customers to have high-performance products and systems with extended lifespans. Drawing on its key technological competencies and strong financial foundation, the Group is sustaining mid-term growth by executing three strategic drivers: addressing attractive growth markets, securing structural growth, and expanding through targeted M&A. A leading global technology and engineering Group, Oerlikon operates its business in three Segments (Surface Solutions, Manmade Fibers and Drive Systems) and has a global footprint of around 15 000 employees at 186 locations in 37 countries. In 2017, Oerlikon generated CHF 2.8 billion in sales and invested CHF 107 million in R&D.


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For further information, please contact:

Stephan Gick

Stephan Gick

Head of Investor Relations

© Copyright 2025 OC Oerlikon Management AG

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