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Our Governance

As early adopters of sustainable innovation practices, we have always held the view that our solutions should minimize the environmental footprints of both our customers’ businesses and our own operations. This philosophy guides our decisionmaking as it pertains to being an optimal global citizen and to delivering sustained shareholder value.

Under our Executive Chairman’s Active Direction

We are meticulous in our approach to governance. Whether we are monitoring and quantifying compliance, managing risk or inviting and engaging in public discourse, our goal is to foster a company and a credo in support of the principle that innovation goes hand in hand with maintaining customers’ and society’s confidence and trust. Under our Executive Chairman’s active direction and supported by our Board of Directors and its committees, Oerlikon holds itself to the highest standards. Learn more about our Executive Chair model and our Corporate Governance by clicking on the link below. 

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Under our Executive Chairman’s Active Direction

Sustainability Governance Framework

Oerlikon is mindful of the interdependence of economic, social and environmental interests and seeks to convert this dynamic into a strength that serves its operational and societal objectives. This is a key component of ensuring that we consistently deliver long-term value creation in our daily business activities to the benefit of all stakeholders.

To ensure a close link to the operational part of the business and full commitment from management, Oerlikon’s sustainability organizational framework encompasses members of the strategic, operative and business levels. This framework reflects Oerlikon’s management model and enables the company to draw on the full complement of relevant resources, experience and knowledge.

Board of Directors
  • Sustainability is regularly part of the BoD agenda.
  • Mandates Chief Sustainability Officer to monitor, align and execute the sustainability strategy.
  • Provides strategic guidance on the sustainability program.
  • Determines executive compensation and incentives.
  • Approves sustainability reports.
Executive Committee
  • A member of the Executive Committee (EC) has been appointed Chief Sustainability Officer and is responsible for establishing, managing and monitoring the sustainability strategy and implementation.
  • Sustainability is regularly addressed as part of the EC’s agenda.
Sustainability Management Team
  • Led by the Chief Sustainability Officer.
  • Three focus areas: (1) operational/technical, (2) communications / IR and (3) metrics / KPIs.
  • Executes sustainability strategy and coordinate action plans working with subject matter experts from the divisions, business units and functions

The Board has mandated a dedicated Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), who is a member of the Executive Committee (EC) and reports to the Executive Chairman, to monitor, align and execute the sustainability strategy. Led by the CSO, the Sustainability Management Team (SMT) works closely with the divisions and Group functions in executing the sustainability strategy, rolling out programs and action plans and increasing dialogue and awareness with stakeholders. The SMT consists of members who represent key sustainability areas – operational sustainability and environment (environment), health & safety (social), legal (governance and compliance), HR (social), communications and investor relations. The chart above provides an overview of how sustainability is embedded in Oerlikon’s Board and leadership structure.

Ethics & Integrity

  • Seeking Advice & Raising Concerns

    Since 2015, we have maintained an active, 24/7/365 reporting hotline, run by an independent third-party provider, to enable concerned colleagues to alert us so that we may act swiftly to prevent or address instances of potential wrongdoing. The hotline provides a mechanism for reporting complaints related to wrongdoing or CoC violations. This includes human rights or human sustainability issues, such as harassment, diversity and inclusion.

  • Remediating Negative Impacts

    Both our CoC and our Whistleblowing Policy prohibit retaliation for complaints and allegations brought in good faith. We take all complaints seriously, including those submitted anonymously, and review the evidence provided with the complaint, as well as additional evidence gathered during any investigation.

  • Child Labor & Human Rights Assessment

    Oerlikon is committed to a safe work environment that is free from and provides protection against human trafficking and slavery, including forced labor and unlawful child labor. Oerlikon does not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of its global organization. Oerlikon prohibits human trafficking and slavery.

  • Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery

    Oerlikon and its employees are neither to engage nor assist in any behavior that might be construed as corruption or bribery. We support all international conventions and local laws that govern anti-corruption and anti-bribery.

  • Non-Discrimination

    Oerlikon is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal employment opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including harassment. Therefore, Oerlikon expects that all relationships among persons in the workplace will be business-like and free of bias, prejudice and harassment.

  • Tax Governance & Strategy

    Oerlikon ensures that its tax strategy is carried out in accordance with our CoC, as well as all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including those concerning the timely completion and submission of tax returns and the disclosure of tax positions. We aim to maintain a transparent relationship with tax authorities in the countries where we operate, readily participating in tax audits when necessary to promptly provide requested information.

Ethics and integrity serve as the bedrock of our values. We are committed to conducting business with unwavering honesty, transparency, and respect. Upholding these principles not only builds trust with our stakeholders but also fosters a culture of accountability and responsibility, ensuring the sustainable success of our organization. Oerlikon’s Group-wide procedures ensure compliance with legal and regulatory statutes, as well as internal standards, including the company’s Code of Conduct (CoC). This oversight encompasses training, communication and consulting activities designed to provide the Group’s divisions and individuals with the information and resources necessary to fulfill their responsibilities and understand their roles in ensuring ethical compliance and behavior. 

Our Policies

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