“When a customer calls me, I advise, act as a sparring partner for what-if considerations, and often serve as a coach until we are sure: This will work.” motorsport, mistakes are not allowed: When you go out on the track, you have to be sure it’ll work.” no fiddling around until the racing season is over Even off the racetrack, it’s all about speed. Development times of several months and long internal approvals? Marc shakes his head: “I work directly with the teams that develop the racing cars and with their suppliers. From the first meeting to the finished solution, we have to manage that in two months. We can’t fiddle around until the racing season is over! That’s the spirit you need to have to work in this industry. This is lived by the racing teams, by us at Oerlikon Balzers in Limoges, and even by the drivers who bring the engine parts to our customer center for coating: They often spend 8 Beyond SURFACeS 02|2020