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The Oerlikon Neumag EvoSteam staple fiber system was awarded the bluesign® VERIFIED DATA label last year.


The most recent example of sustainable e-save technology is the Oerlikon Neumag EvoSteam staple fiber system. Here too, the relevant process steps in terms of sustainability were already addressed during development.

Water – a contested resource
The most recent example of a sustainable e-save technology is the Oerlikon Neumag EvoSteam staple fiber plant. Here, too, the relevant process steps in terms of sustainability were already taken into account during development. The innovative process does not require water baths. The result: water savings of up to 3.5 million liters per year, significantly lower consumption of drying energy and preparation, and ultimately a reduction in the CO2 footprint of up to 20 %. An optimized draw point release makes the EvoSteam staple fiber system up to 12% more efficient than previous concepts. Overall, the EvoSteam process reduces production waste by up to 50 % while at the same time saving up to 8 % energy.
