Two leading players in their respective industries, Oerlikon Barmag and Evonik, are joining forces to tackle the chemical recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste in the future.
Specifically, the aim is to develop technologies for robust and efficient depolymerisation and cleaning processes, coupled with an integrated concept for repolymerisation and the associated EPC business models.
As one of the world's leading manufacturers of specialty chemicals, Evonik is committed to promoting sustainability initiatives and developing next-generation solutions. Oerlikon Barmag, the Remscheid-based machine and systems manufacturer, is contributing its expertise in polymer processing for the production of chemical fibres and packaging materials to the new partnership.
Investing in a sustainable future
The partners aim to bring technology and process solutions for chemical recycling of PET to market by the end of the decade, using new catalytic processes and chemical technologies that complement the current mechanical recycling approach. ‘This will enable us to recycle a high proportion of heavily contaminated and mixed PET waste that would otherwise be incinerated or landfilled, and actively support a sustainable circular economy,’ explains Max Preisenberger, head of the Catalysts Business Unit at Evonik. The highly efficient process can be seamlessly integrated into existing PET production processes.
Key to its market success is the scalability of the technology, along with reasonable investment and operating costs. ‘Both companies complement each other perfectly, and both partners are leaders in their respective fields. We have no doubt that we can scale our solution to a significant size and make it available to PET producers at competitive conditions,’ says Lukas Adamek, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions.
Find out more on this topic here:
PET-recycling in Lülsdorf | Evonik
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