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Barmag SpeakUp Platform

Speak up! We listen!

Barmag SpeakUp Platform

For Barmag, acting responsibly, fairly and credibly has always been a top priority. Compliance with laws goes without saying and we do not tolerate any violations of laws, our Code of Conduct or other internal regulations. We also do not want to be involved in violations of third parties.

We strongly encourage all employees and business partners to report possible violations of laws, our Code of Conduct or other internal regulations. If you wish to report possible violations, you can choose amongst several contact points.

Besides our internal contact points, we also offer the option for employees as well as customers, suppliers and other business partners to report violations via our electronic whistleblower system. Our SpeakUp Line allows a secure communication between the reporter and the Compliance Department. Reporters can decide for themselves whether they disclose their name or remain anonymous.

Our SpeakUp Line can also be used to report on risks and violations of human rights or damage to the environment that occur in our business operations or along our supply chains.

All reports and their content are kept confidential. In addition, Barmag protects reporters from retaliation due to a report, provided that the report was made in good faith.

To the online whistleblower system
