At a glance

For decades, our sustainable innovation  has helped customers to reduce their ecological footprint, increase efficiency and productivity and optimize resource use. In supporting their goals to be  sustainability pioneers, we realize our own ambitions and fulfill our responsibilities as a caretaker of the world we live in.

2020 Facts and Figures

2020 Facts and Figures

FT Diversity Leader

FT Diversity Leaders 2021 has ranked Oerlikon 162 out of the top 850 companies in Europe.

Global Reporting Initiative

Oerlikon published its Sustainability Report in accordance with the internationally recognized GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.

2030 Targets

The sustainability goals create a framework for measuring the impact of our innovation and our contribution to a better world.

Our goal is to ensure that Oerlikon is recognized equally for its innovation and its integrity — and for the extent to which our work supports countries’ progress toward achieving the United Nations SDGs. To that end, we focus in particular on the areas in which we can make the greatest impact through our products, services and operations.

We have decided to use 2019 as our baseline for our targets since 2020 was an extraordinary pandemic- impacted year. This allows us to track and compare our progress against a year of normal operations.

2030 Targets


Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications