Creating Value for Stakeholders

Every business has a responsibility to deliver sustainable results that support healthy long-term growth. At the same time, we play a key role as responsible global citizens.

At Oerlikon, we have made a strong commitment to be a caretaker of global ecosystems and a champion of sustainability. And we recognize that our relationships with all our stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors and suppliers, are key to our ability to succeed in the pursuit of our growth targets as well as our standards of business conduct.

It is by listening to our customers, understanding their challenges and gaining their trust that we acquire the insights necessary to collaborate on smart, sustainable innovations and solutions that align with 21st-century expectations and demands.

It is by providing our employees with a work atmosphere that welcomes unconventional thinking and
recognizes individual and team achievements that we cultivate an ideal space in which top talents can reach their full potential and feel respected, heard and valued.

It is by creating a sense of true partnership with suppliers and contractors that we build alliances that stand the test of time and allow us to deliver on our commitments.

The sum of all these relationships and commitments translates to our ability to deliver value to our
shareholders both through our financial performance and by cultivating a business entity that can be a sustainability standout in their portfolios.

And it is by being open to feedback and suggestions from all our stakeholders that we can engage
in informed, intelligent ongoing process improvement that ensures that our operations match our innovations in terms of upholding optimal governance, environmental, social and sustainability standards in our work around the world.


Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications