About this Report

The Oerlikon Sustainability Report 2020 is our first report on our material economic, environmental and social impacts and how we manage them.

The report provides an in depth look at the way we address sustainability and implement our sustainability strategy. It also gives an overview of relevant policies, guidelines and targets established for continued improvement in sustainability performance metrics. Furthermore, the report contains a review of notable achievements in 2020. Oerlikon intends to continue reporting on sustainability on an annual basis.

To define the contents of this report, we have referred to the GRI standards and to the results of the materiality assessment and the material topics identified in this process (see materiality matrix). We have also taken into account stakeholder feedback on reporting, best practices in sustainability reporting and the applicable United Nations SDGs.

The GRI Standards are the most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting. These
standards help businesses and governments understand and communicate their impact on a variety of sustainability issues in a common format.

We have mapped our material topics to the GRI standards and included relevant disclosure topics in the GRI content index, which can be found at the end of the report. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. Omission from the material issues addressed in our report does not mean an issue is not managed.

Sections marked with the United Nations SDGs symbols provide more information on how we implement strategies and practices that promote progress toward achieving the SDGs.

This report covers the entire Oerlikon Group organization, including subsidiaries where the Company has a controlling ownership, and matches the scope of consolidation used for financial information in the consolidated annual report.

We measure energy consumption at our production and service sites, as well as at all our main offices and the data is consolidated in our SAP Business Warehouse.

Our energy consumption includes all types of energy, including purchased electricity, purchased heat and cooling, natural gas, fuel oil, propane, diesel, gasoline, hydrogen and kerosene.

To calculate emissions, each of our sites is required to provide the actual CO2 factors for electricity from their respective utility. For fossil fuel, we use average CO2 factors from various governmental sources. Sites are required to cross-check locally with respect to the details provided by their energy suppliers.

Reported emissions include all manufacturing, production and office locations where Oerlikon has operational control, and detailed direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) sources.

These sources include electricity and steam generated offsite and all fuels used in boilers and other
combustion equipment, including purchased electricity, purchased heat and cooling, natural gas, fuel oil, propane, diesel, gasoline and kerosene.

In 2019, 90.5% of our emissions were indirect and 9.5% were direct. In 2020, it was 90.6% and 9.4%.

For our HR data, we use the SAP SuccessFactors software to manage our people processes, perform analytics, improve visibility and efficiency.

Since Success Factor is cloud-based, the software enables us to have real-time updated data about our employees, their development, and helps us to manage the entire employee lifecycle.

Our TAFR data for health & safety is collected through a monthly reporting process using SAP Business Warehouse.

Our compliance data is collected by our Head of Compliance and Internal Audit teams. The majority of Oerlikon’s compliance cases are reported through its whistle-blowing hotline. Complainants can report anonymously, although we encourage transparency in order to better handle cases and to reach a substantiated outcome.

All reported cases are investigated to the full extent of the facts that have been provided. Cases lacking in pertinent facts or substantiated evidence are closed. At the end of each calendar year, Group Compliance reviews the cases with the Compliance Review Board (of which the Head of Group Compliance is the Chair), and the cases are also reviewed by the Audit and Finance Committee, a committee of the Board of Directors. In the review and assessment of cases, Group Compliance and Internal Audit make recommendations for modifications to internal controls and policies and/or procedures that may have led to the wrongdoing or any undesirable behavior.

This report covers the periods between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020.


Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications