SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Engaging employees: Virtual townhalls

In a year when videoconferencing became essential for both personal and business interactions, we tapped into a virtual townhall solution - to share information and offer employees a new format for providing feedback to management. These virtual meetings facilitate the flow of information and the inclusion of colleagues. Employees surveyed said they felt more engaged by videoconferencing than email or paper communications and were pleased to have open twoway communication with management.

Apprenticeship programs

Oerlikon actively offers students and early-stage professionals apprenticeship and internship programs designed to meet their professional development needs. Our relationships with more than 30 schools, colleges and universities worldwide aid us in identifying emerging talent that can gain the most from an Oerlikon work experience and perhaps begin a career-long trajectory of growth and advancement with the company.


Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications