Driving ESG Progress at Oerlikon

Key ESG Milestones 2021

  • Twelve sites installed energy management systems (EnMS) in 2021, bringing the total number of Oerlikon sites with EnMS to 30. This corresponds to 19% of our total relevant sites and 54% of our total energy consumption in 2021. To date, our 23 highest energy-intensive sites, accounting for 50% of Oerlikon’s total annual energy consumption, have EnMS implemented.
  • 22% of electricity consumed is from renewable sources (figure first time available).
  • Reduced disposed waste to 31% of total waste (2019: 42%).
  • ~72% of our R&D investments cover ESG criteria (figure first time available).
  • Started project to define Scope 3 emissions – baseline to be determined in 2022.
  • Achieving gender balance remains challenging given the predominance of men in engineering. In 2021, 12% of our management and leaderships roles were filled by women. It is stable compared to the 2019 baseline due to the Surface Solutions transformation and COVID-induced recruitment challenges.
  • Among our leadership team, we improved the geographical diversity, with 21% of our Global Leaders in 2021 being non-European (2020: 12%).
  • There was no change in the share of women (23%) in high-potential programs versus 2020. Compared to 2019, there was a slight decrease from the 24% due to normal fluctuations with the new cohort of participants.
  • Our 2021 total accident frequency rate (TAFR) reduced by 18% to 0.72, compared to 0.88 in the 2019 baseline year. Compared to the initial baseline set in 2016, it is a 45% reduction.
  • Donated to Doctors without Borders from global campaign and supported local communities in multiple countries, including Germany, Mexico, Italy and India.
  • Launched updated Code of Conduct (CoC) and rolled out e-training to employees with digital access. In 2021, around 4 100 employees completed the e-training, representing 97% of registered users. For employees without digital access, in-person training will take place in 2022 and 2023.
  • Introduced new policies and guidelines, including the Sustainability and Health, Safety & Environment Policy, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, Policy Against the Use of Child Labour, Policy Against Human Trafficking and Slavery, Contractor Safety Guideline, Data Privacy Directive and our Lockout-Tagout HSE guideline.

ESG Rating Upgrades (As of December 31, 2021)

ESG Rating Upgrades (As of December 31, 2021)


Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications