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Oerlikon Balzers en los medios de comunicación

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      Arc-enhanced glow discharge ion etching of WC-Co cemented carbide for improved PVD thin film adhesion and asymmetric cutting-edge preparation of micro milling tools (external link)

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      Enhancing Element Six PcBN performance with a BALIQ coating from Oerlikon Balzers (external link)

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      Transparenz in der Fertigungslinie: Bauteilrückverfolgung dank einzigartiger Oberflächenmerkmale.

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      The formation of a homogeneous α-alumina coating on a Ni-based superalloy from a layer stack deposited by cathodic arc evaporation.


Petra Ammann

Petra Ammann

Head of Communications Oerlikon Balzers

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