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Solutions for the Oil & Gas Market

Extreme conditions characterize the oil & gas market — as well as extreme price pressure. Oerlikon Metco offers solutions for both. Our experts develop materials and coating solutions that increase the life span of tools and components, without losing sight of the essential: Cost-effective results.

Solutions for Extreme Conditions

Whether you are looking for high-end coating and material solutions, or a reliable single-use coating that can double or even triple the run time of mission-critical tools, Oerlikon Metco is your ideal partner.

Our thermal spray coating solutions provide wear protection for drilling and production equipment and can be adapted for use in the myriad of environments customers expect to encounter in the field.

Our materials and tungsten carbides are developed by our in-house engineers and material scientists and range from standard solutions to fully customized options developed in close cooperation for and with our customers.

Breakthrough materials that significantly increase equipment life for oil and gas applications have been achieved using our patented Scoperta™ computational rapid alloy development process.

Oerlikon Metco provides coating services as well as material development, and we offer a service network with subsidiaries across the globe and within easy reach of our partners.

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