Prevent problems before they happen! Our service engineers regularly perform maintenance procedures that prevent system degradation and reduce unscheduled equipment breakdowns. Proactive problem recognition and resolution is a key element of our preventive maintenance program, minimizing your equipment downtime and maximizing the useful service life of your coating facility.
All work is done according our own OEM standards & procedures. We keep your equipment operating at peak performance and with the highest level of safety! We maintain your entire Oerlikon Metco system, including handling system and peripheral equipment.
Our Services
- Maintenance work includes, but is not limited to:
- Functional checks, including safety devices
- Preventive replacement of wear parts & consumables
- Adjustments
- Lubrications
- Cleaning
Your Benefits
- Consistent spray quality
- Improve equipment uptime
- Extended the overall life of your equipment
- Reliable high-quality service from your equipment OEM
- Defined & scheduled downtime for preventive maintenance