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MultiCoat is Oerlikon Metco’s well-established thermal spray coating system operating in all market segments for decades. As the name implies, MultiCoat can control a number of thermal spray processes from a single controller. With advanced processing, trending and reporting features, MultiCoat offers superb performance and value for all types of spray operations, from R&D to high-volume production.

Whether your coating process is

  • Plasma spray (single and triple cathode guns)
  • HVOF spray (gas or liquid fuel)
  • Combustion powder spray
  • Combustion wire spray

The versatile MultiCoat can monitor and control the operation of any of these processes from a single operator station.

MultiCoat is also available for the control and operation of our ChamPro™ controlled atmosphere spray systems (single process).

MultiCoat is designed to accommodate a wide range of spray guns, powder feeders, power sources, gas management centers and remote robot controllers in combinations tailor-made to suit your needs.

The MultiCoat system is equipped with the MultiCoat Vision Touch Screen graphical user interface, allowing the user to operate and monitor the system with easy to use, high resolution graphics.

MultiCoat Vision features

Touch-Screen Entry: reduces learning curve and minimizes time for set-up and recall of spray recipies in production

Password protected: MultiCoat Vision software features a five-level, password controlled security system. Personnel can be authorized to make changes at each of these levels or locked-out

Recipes: store up to 1000 spray recipes. Each recipe can be linked to different tolerance sets. Simple and efficient parameter entry and retrieval of spray run data

Data Logging: continuous logging of all spray parameters and trending data; acquisition of all measured parameters every second; automatic storage for up to 30 days

Message Center: warnings, alarm status information and summaries are continuously displayed and stored for up to one month

File Manager: Simple handling of all user and system generated data. Extend the functional range of the MultiCoat Vision with any number of available software upgrades

MultiCoat Features and Benefits

Multi process capability: run up to five different spray processes in a single booth (atmospheric plasma single and triple cathode guns, HVOF-GF, HVOF-LF, Combustion Wire or Combustion Powder), in any combination.

Parallel Processes: Two atmospheric plasma processes can be run simultaneously using the PC-220; within the same spray booth

Integration: with a wide range of handling equipment, such as turntables, lathes, etc.

Safety: designed and built for safety, CE conformant, industry-proven hardware

Built-in Alarms: multilevel system with warning messages to critical alarms with automatic shutdown

Modular Design: upgrade existing systems quickly and easily

Quality Control: output spray run data for quality control requirements

Gun Data Base: ensures safe and reliable operation of all guns

Work Piece Data Base: barcodes scan your parts and the system automatically executes the coating process

Accuraspray / Spray Sentry: Optional feature to measure spray plume intensity, position and geometry, particle velocity and temperature

For all your current coating needs the MultiCoat spray system is your tailor-made solution.

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