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Solutions for the Energy Market

The power generation market is on the move and market participants are facing a variety of challenges. Those who team up with Oerlikon Metco benefit from tailor-made solutions, developed by our material scientists and application experts for literally all applications in the energy market.

Power Generation — Meeting a Spiraling Demand

Increasing competition in the power generation market results in a strong focus on cost by all market participants throughout the entire supply chain. At the same time, the market is subject to major changes and demands by a continuously growing world population in need of more and cheaper energy. And additionally, the climate debate is shifting the focus to lower emissions, cleaner production and sustainable energy sources.

Oerlikon Metco offers the full portfolio of coating solutions for literally every type of power generation – just to name a few:

  • Industrial gas turbines
  • Industrial boilers in power plants
  • Hydroelectric turbines
  • Solid oxide fuel cells
  • Wind turbines

Our high-performance, innovative solutions for efficient operation of fossil-fired, nuclear, and renewable power generation prevent degradation due to wear, corrosion, thermal effects and cavitation for your equipment and components:

  • Increased lifetime
  • Prolonged inspection intervals
  • Permitting higher temperatures for boilers, gas turbines and steam turbines
  • Boosting efficiency

Oerlikon Metco’s position is unique in the market as we offer the complete package consisting of thermal spray equipment, materials and processes. Our customers can rely on our decades of experience in the power generation market.

One Does Not Match All: Our Services — Your Perfect Solution!

A worldwide network of Service Centers provides competent and fast support for all your coating requirements, to give you decisive advantages over your competitors:

  • Problem analysis
  • Customized coating development
  • Coating services
  • Pre- or post-coat machining operations
  • Repair services

Wherever You Are, Oerlikon Metco is Near to You!

While superior customer service is essential for us, we go beyond that – together with you: Our engineers have a deep knowledge not only of processes and materials, but they are also experts in the various application fields. Thus, we find the optimum answer for your specific application needs – whether be that a standard solution, a unique development in our Coating Solution Centers, or even a joint R&D collaboration.


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