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Metal/Ceramic Injection Molding (MIM / CIM)

MIM and CIM are very cost-effective fabrication processes to make large volumes of small parts, particularly those having complex geometries. The processes employ fine powders of metal (MIM) or ceramic (CIM) that are first mixed with a binder and then injected into molds that shape and solidify the parts. Post-molding processes remove the binder and densify the parts. This results in parts that have the strength and properties of traditionally manufactured counterparts at much lower cost.


MIM and CIM are used to make precision tools for the medical and dental use, as well as small implants. Other industrial uses are small gears, small parts for the automotive industry and parts used in consumer electronics. Oerlikon Metco, with our wide range of powder manufacturing capabilities, can make fine metal and ceramic powders of many different compositions, including compositions tailored for specific applications. 

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