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Today the former ‘Gerätebau-Anstalt’

is called Oerlikon Balzers and is a part

of the Surface Solutions Segment of

the Oerlikon Group which was for-

med in 2014 after the takeover of

Metco, the coating business line of

the Sulzer Group.

Back then, Professor Auwärter

produced sun protection and anti-

reflective coatings for eye glass

lenses and camera lenses, as well

as thin films for electronic appli-

cations. The vacuum technology

remained the main focus for a long

time. Even today, the use of high

vacuum is a significant factor for

thin-film coatings, however, this part

is now purchased while the coating

processes and the equipment they

require are Oerlikon Balzers’ area of

core competence.

From aircraft turbines to piston


less wear

Development work on PVD coatings

(PVD = Physical Vapour Deposition)

was begun in 1974. The breakthrough

came in 1978 with the BALINIT brand

of coatings, which remains an impor-

tant mainstay of Oerlikon Balzers to

this day, alongside further ground-

breaking developments. “Essentially,

our solutions are always about com-

bining reduced wear with increased

efficiency, whether for Formula 1

engines, aircraft turbines, piston rings

for the automotive industry, precision

instruments, or for tools used by the

plastics or metalworking industries. At

the endof the day, increased efficiency

and reduced wear mean lowering

the use of harmful substances and

conserving resources – an important

aspect of our work. Because we are

proud of the fact that our everyday

activities are based on values such as

sustainability, tradition and innovative

drive,” states CEO Roland Fischer.

Today, Oerlikon Balzers em-

ploys over 4’800 people worldwide

with about 550 of these working at

the headquarters in Balzers. More

than 100 employees at this loca-

tion are engaged in global research

and development activities. Roland

Fischer spans the range of 70  years

of innovation: “We are proud of

our independent research that has

led to many coating and system

developments in the area of surface

solutions – and has made our com-

pany the technology leader in thin-film


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Oerlikon Balzers

Turkey wins environ-

ment award

Oerlikon Balzers Turkey is the win-

ner of the ‘Environmentally Friend-

ly Industrial Plant Contest 2016’.

The award recognizes continuous

efforts on environmental topics in

Turkey. Special emphasis is placed

on a project with the Turkish Foun-

dation for Combating Soil Erosion,

for Reforestation and the Protec-

tion of Natural Habitats, in which

Oerlikon Balzers contributed by

planting one tree per employee in a

forest area in Izmir, Turkey.

53 companies participated in

the contest in three categories.

Oerlikon Balzers Turkey employees

are happy about the first prize, a small

electrical car, which will be donated

to a local charity project. “I am proud

that the award committee visited

Award for innovative spirit

Eldim receives the

‘High Tech Branch Award 2016’

The Oerlikon Metco subsidiary, Eldim, with headquarters

in Lomm (The Netherlands) has been honoured with

the ‘High Tech Branch Award 2016’. The independent

institute, NBSA (National Business Success Award),

nominated the company based on positive feedback

from the industry and, after a visit on site and talks with

staff members, chose it as the winner. Moreover, Eldim

received an award as the most innovative business in the

year 2016. And yet another prize is in sight: In February

2017, the bearer of the title ‘Best Dutch Company 2016’

will be chosen from among the winners in the 15 industry


Eldim serves the aerospace industry exclusively and

specializes in machining and manufacturing gas turbine

blades, seals, inlet ramps and cooling plates.

our facility on a typical production

day without prior notice – nothing

exceptional had been organized. It

clearly shows that we live environ-

mental protection and sustainabi-

lity throughout our whole process

chain, and abide by the standards

that are valid for all Oerlikon Balzers

sites worldwide,” says Ugur Urkut,

General Manager of Oerlikon Balzers

in Turkey.

Oerlikon Balzers:

70 years of innovation

A new business was entered in the princely commercial register of

Liechtenstein 70 years ago: the ‘Gerätebau-Anstalt’ in Balzers.

The founders, Prof. Max Auwärter, Prince Franz Josef II von und

zu Liechtenstein and the entrepreneur Emil G. Bührle, had the

revolutionary idea of developing manufacturing processes in the

area of thin coatings and constructing the equipment required for

the  industrial implementation themselves. Thus, for the first time,

the process and the equipment became a single unit and were also

offered and sold together – a business model that has enjoyed

exceptional success for over 70 years.