Flexible thermal insulation
Efficiency is not only influenced by the materials used to
build the engine components, but also by the material
composition of the coatings used. A current example of
this is provided by thermal barrier coatings (TBC), which
are routinely used in combustion chambers. The coat-
ings are characterized by ever lower thermal conductiv-
ity, which offers a higher level of heat protection to the
underlying material. These coatings are composition-
ally and structurally highly flexible, which allows the layer
structures to be optimally tailored for the components.
The result: engines can be operated at much higher tem-
peratures than without, or with conventional coatings.
Aircraft engines are subject to extreme loads, and one of the
most important factors influencing aircraft performance. Oerlikon
Metco developments significantly increase their efficiency.
Save resources – and time
With new materials and technologies, Oerlikon Metco
is contributing to novel developments in engine manu-
facture. Because increased efficiency doesn’t just boost
thrust, but also conserves valuable resources – and re-
duces fuel consumption, which benefits both airline op-
erators and passengers.