Protective coating for
water turbines
he demand for energy is constantly increasing, driv-
en by population growth and increasing prosperity
in emerging countries. One of the most environ-
mentally-friendly types of energy generation is the use
of hydropower – using run-of-river hydropower plants
placed directly in the river course which constantly gen-
erate power, or pump-storage power plants (e.g. reser-
voirs), which are used to store energy for release upon
demand – a function of ever increasing importance.
Decisive factor: Economic efficiency
Power plant operators are focused on ever higher turbine
economic efficiency, through extended useful lifetime,
longer inspection cycles and higher efficiency. At the
same time, a growing number of new waterways, previ-
ously deemed too inaccessible, are now being tapped –
often highly sandy rivers or waters with high head. Wear
protection for individual power plant components is thus
a key factor for the success of these projects.
Specialists for all cases
Oerlikon Metco provided the first coatings for Fran-
cis turbines in the 1930’s, and, since the 1980’s, has
protected thousands of turbine runners in hydropower
plants throughout the world with its thermal spray coat-
ings, which can be up to 400 µm (0.4 mm) thick. The
coatings are individually tailored – they are dependent
on machine design, precise operating mode and specific
operation conditions.
Oerlikon Balzers is, then again, a specialist for ex-
tremely thin PVD coatings. Not just cutting tools used to
manufacture turbine parts are coated with BALINIT, but
also bearings or valves in the overall system. The goal
of both applications is to reduce wear caused by friction
and thereby to increase efficiency.
Hydropower turbines are subjected to enormous forces and
damage mechanisms. Over time, erosion and cavitation lead
to major efficiency losses and a marked reduction in useful
lifetime. To hinder this, turbine manufacturers rely on high-
tech coatings from Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco.
High-tech for the environment