Technology & Innovation
Technology & Innovation
A hard shell protects the sea turtle from its
enemies. Still, it is designed in such a way
that the animal can swim and manoeuvre
well underwater. The coatings made by
Oerlikon Surface Solutions are flexible in
a similar fashion: They protect turbines
in hydroelectric plants from wear and
erosion, for example, and at the same
time enable almost completely friction-free
movement of the turbine blades – and
that optimizes energy production.
Using nature’s strategies to make
better products
Surfaces in nature can help the tissue underneath
– and the organism – function well in an extreme
environment. Desert plants survive long periods of ex-
treme aridity with the help of waxy surfaces and adjust
able pores that control how much water escapes into
the air. Similarly, turbines in power plants work most
efficiently around hot gas at high pressure. But if it gets
too hot for too long, their blades, which are made from
superalloys, can react with oxygen, corrode and fail. A
protective coating that survives blast-furnace condi-
tions keeps oxygen from diffusing in and corroding the
turbine blades. This enables the turbine to last longer
and work better.
In some cases, surfaces can be designed through
biomimicry – by imitating the molecular strategies that
animals and plants employ. “If you wanted to make a
coating that repels water, you could investigate the lotus
plant,” says Helmut Rudigier, the Chief Technology Officer
of the Oerlikon Surface Solutions Segment. “Studying
how plants control gas flow into a leaf could help scien-
tists design new types of coatings that restrict the diffu-
sion of gases,” Dommann adds.
Changing how a material interacts with
its environment
Surface coatings can endow materials with proper-
ties the bulk material underneath does not possess.
Placing a silver-imbued coating on titanium bone-repair screws, for example, can prevent deep infections
after surgery because silver is a potent antibacterial
agent. “Coatings offer the possibility of changing how
a material interacts with its environment,” Dommann
Most often, however, studying nature reveals
strategies that materials scientists can pursue to develop
new coatings. Synthetic surface coatings, unlike human
skin, have traditionally offered one function and one func-
tion only. “But in nature a coating has a lot of different
functionalities at the same time,” Dommann says.
Gear surfaces in a race car’s gearbox, for example,
should be hard to enable them to transfer force
efficiently and with the required durability. Building them
with tungsten carbide takes care of that. But they should
also slide off one another easily to reduce friction and
transfer maximal power to the drivetrain. Tribological
coatings – coatings that reduce friction – help. To make
gears slip, engineers layer in graphite, a softer, more
slippery material, into the gear’s surface coating. The
result is a stable but low-friction gearbox that’s used in
Formula 1 cars.
Vision for the future: smart coatings
Nature’s surfaces can often adapt to changing circum-
stances, making almost every coating on plants or
animals a smart coating. If you get a scratch on your
skin, your body activates wound-healing processes to
close up the scratch and replace the damaged tissue.
Industrial surface solutions traditionally have not been
so adaptable, but look for them to catch up in the
years to come. Just think of adaptive airplane wings
that shapeshift and become rougher to create the
drag needed during takeoff. The pilot would no longer
have to adjust flaps and winglets to get the plane off
the ground, and the wings would adjust during flight to
become smoother and aerodynamic.