Technology & Innovation
About the OMYPA
The OMYPA was engendered by Prof. Dr-Ing
Kirsten Bobzin of the University of Aachen. It
is funded by Oerlikon Metco and organized by
the German Welding Society (DVS) and the
American Society of Materials (ASM Inter-
national). It aims to acknowledge students,
doctoral candidates and scientists from all
over the world, and to encourage new talent
to engage in the advancement of surface
Award contestants are students who enter
into their graduate year of University and have
completed an aspect of Thermal Spray
research. The submitted abstracts are
evaluated by an international team of thermal
spray professionals from both academia and
industry. When an abstract is selected, the
finalists present at the International Thermal
Spray Conference (ITSC), where each
presentation will be evaluated and scored for
originality, experimental and research results
and presentation style.
Near the end of my honours project, Prof. Munroe
once again inspired me with the possibility of using
3D tomography to analyse splats. The satisfaction in
viewing a splat as a single entity and not as multiple
sampled regions, as well as watching every layer around
the splat fit together so perfectly, provoked my curiosity
on whether I, as a newcomer to the field, can one day
achieve results similar to what I had just witnessed.
Now in my third year of my PhD studying Thermal
Spray, there is still so much to learn about my current
samples. Small deviations in any component can affect
the samples, whether it is in the feedstock, substrate,
spraying or even milling parameters. However, by drawing
on the experience of leading experts in the field, we all
have a better chance of piecing together this puzzle.
What would you like to share with our readers
about your experience thus far?
The International Thermal Spray Conference was truly
an eye-opening experience. The number of Thermal
Spray experts, all gathered in a common location,
Definitely a great opportunity to debut
yourself as a researcher
Amanda Wang is this year’s award winner. She received
the honours at ITSC 2016 in Shanghai, China, for her
exceptional presentation titled ‘Three Dimensional
Reconstruction of Plasma Sprayed Ni-20Cr on Alumina’.
BEYOND SURFACES met the young researcher
and asked her about the source of her daily inspiration,
her experience and future plans.
Ms Wang, what is your inspiration for the
work you’re doing?
Thermal Spray was one of the subjects in my undergraduate
studies so I was familiar with the topic during the project selec-
tion for my honours project. My supervisor, Professor Paul R.
Munroe, showed me examples of research into Thermal Spray
and I was instantly enamoured by the intricate details and
designs that exist on the micro- and nano-scales. Even now,
I tell people my work is about using large microscopes to view
the universe in structures so small the naked eye cannot see.
was overwhelming. Not only was I able to meet
authors of papers I had read, I was also able
to consult and discuss concepts and examples
with them! The best part was, everyone was so
approachable and humble about their research.
The Young Professionals competition is definitely a
great opportunity to debut yourself as a researcher.
The fact that ITSC organisers had dedicated an entire
afternoon to showcase this competition demonstrates
how highly regarded young professionals are in this
field. This level of exposure bodes well for all young
professionals – regardless of whether you win or not.
In general, what are your future plans?
At this present time, my main goal is to focus on
finishing my doctorate degree. After that, I hope to
work in industry, preferably in a field where I can
utilise skills acquired throughout my education.